In this work we study the asymptotic consistency of the weak-form sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics algorithm (WSINDy) in the identification of differential equations from noisy samples of solutions. We prove that the WSINDy estimator is unconditionally asymptotically consistent for a wide class of models which includes the Navier-Stokes equations and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. We thus provide a mathematically rigorous explanation for the observed robustness to noise of weak-form equation learning. Conversely, we also show that in general the WSINDy estimator is only conditionally asymptotically consistent, yielding discovery of spurious terms with probability one if the noise level is above some critical threshold and the nonlinearities exhibit sufficiently fast growth. We derive explicit bounds on the critical noise threshold in the case of Gaussian white noise and provide an explicit characterization of these spurious terms in the case of trigonometric and/or polynomial model nonlinearities. However, a silver lining to this negative result is that if the data is suitably denoised (a simple moving average filter is sufficient), then we recover unconditional asymptotic consistency on the class of models with locally-Lipschitz nonlinearities. Altogether, our results reveal several important aspects of weak-form equation learning which may be used to improve future algorithms. We demonstrate our results numerically using the Lorenz system, the cubic oscillator, a viscous Burgers growth model, and a Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-type higher-order PDE.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们研究的是,在确定来自噪音溶液样本的差别方程式时,非线性动态算法(WSINDIY)的微弱微弱微弱识别方法(WSINDIY)在确定非线性动态算法(SSSINDIY)时的微弱微弱识别方法(WSINDIY)在确定来自噪音溶液样本的差别方程式时,是否具有无足轻重的一致性。我们证明,WSINDI 估测器对于包括纳维-斯托克斯方程式和仓本-西瓦申斯基方程式等方程式在内的广泛模型而言,是否具有无条件的类似一致性。我们从数学角度对微弱的方程式进行精确的描述。相反,我们一般的SISINDI估测器只是有条件的,如果噪音水平超过某些临界临界阈值,而非线化的模型显示出足够快速的增长。我们用到的平坦坦坦度数据,那么,我们相对平坦坦坦的平的平面的平坦坦坦的平的平的平式计算结果, 将显示我们平坦坦坦坦的平的平的平的平的平的平的平的平的平的平的平式模型。