A (proper) colouring is acyclic, star, or injective if any two colour classes induce a forest, star forest or disjoint union of vertices and edges, respectively. Hence, every injective colouring is a star colouring and every star colouring is an acyclic colouring. The corresponding decision problems are Acyclic Colouring, Star Colouring and Injective Colouring (the last problem is also known as $L(1,1)$-Labelling). A classical complexity result on Colouring is a well-known dichotomy for $H$-free graphs (a graph is $H$-free if it does not contain $H$ as an induced subgraph). In contrast, there is no systematic study into the computational complexity of Acyclic Colouring, Star Colouring and Injective Colouring despite numerous algorithmic and structural results that have appeared over the years. We initiate such a study by giving almost complete complexity classifications for Acyclic Colouring, Star Colouring and Injective Colouring on $H$-free graphs (for each of the problems, we have one open case). Moreover, we give full complexity classifications if the number of colours $k$ is fixed, that is, not part of the input. From our study it follows that for fixed $k$ the three problems behave in the same way, but this is no longer true if $k$ is part of the input. To obtain several of our results we prove stronger complexity results that in particular involve the girth of a graph and the class of line graphs of multigraphs.
翻译:如果任何两个颜色类别分别诱导森林、恒星森林或脊椎和边缘断裂结合,则颜色是循环的、恒星的,或感应的。因此,每个预测的颜色都是星色,而每个恒星的颜色是循环的。相应的决定问题是循环的颜色、星色和感应的颜色(最后一个问题也称为$L(1,1,1美元-发音) 。色彩的典型复杂性结果是众所周知的无H美元图表的二分法(如果图表不包含以H美元为诱导的子绘图,则无H美元)。相比之下,尽管多年来出现了许多逻辑和结构结果,但没有系统的研究对环色、星色和感应色的计算复杂性进行系统的研究。我们发起这样的研究,对“环色、星色和感应值”的精度进行了几乎完整的复杂分类(对于每个问题,如果不是以美元为单位的直线的直径直线,则无H$,则无H美元。我们从一个直线的直线的结果是多价的。此外,我们从一个直径的直径的直径的分解的分解,我们要的分数的分解,我们从一个分解的分解的分解的分解, 我们的分解的分解的分解的分解的分解的分解的分解的。