This paper introduces a novel unified framework for testing mutual independence among a vector of random objects that may reside in different metric spaces, including some existing methodologies as special cases. The backbone of the proposed tests is the notion of joint distance profiles, which uniquely characterize the joint law of random objects under a mild condition on the joint law or on the metric spaces. Our test statistics measure the difference of the joint distance profiles of each data point with respect to the joint law and the product of marginal laws of the vector of random objects, where flexible data-adaptive weight profiles are incorporated for power enhancement. We derive the limiting distribution of the test statistics under the null hypothesis of mutual independence and show that the proposed tests with specific weight profiles are asymptotically distribution-free if the marginal distance profiles are continuous. We also establish the consistency of the tests under sequences of alternative hypotheses converging to the null. Furthermore, since the asymptotic tests with non-trivial weight profiles require the knowledge of the underlying data distribution, we adopt a permutation scheme to approximate the $p$-values and provide theoretical guarantees that the permutation-based tests control the type I error rate under the null and are consistent under the alternatives. We demonstrate the power of the proposed tests across various types of data objects through simulations and real data applications, where our tests are shown to have superior performance compared with popular existing approaches.