The multi-panel array, as a state-of-the-art antenna-in-package technology, is very suitable for millimeter-wave (mmWave)/terahertz (THz) systems, due to its low-cost deployment and scalable configuration. But in the context of nonuniform array structures it leads to intractable signal processing. Based on such an array structure at the base station, this paper investigates a joint active user detection (AUD) and channel estimation (CE) scheme based on compressive sensing (CS) for application to the massive Internet of Things (IoT). Specifically, by exploiting the structured sparsity of mmWave/THz massive IoT access channels, we firstly formulate the multi-panel massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO)-based joint AUD and CE problem as a multiple measurement vector (MMV)-CS problem. Then, we harness the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to learn the prior parameters (i.e., the noise variance and the sparsity ratio) and an orthogonal approximate message passing (OAMP)-EM-MMV algorithm is developed to solve this problem. Our simulation results verify the improved AUD and CE performance of the proposed scheme compared to conventional CS-based algorithms.
翻译:多面板阵列是一种先进的包装天线技术,非常适合毫米波(mmWave)/terahertz(THz)系统,因为其部署成本低且可缩放配置。但在非统一的阵列结构中,它导致信号处理棘手。根据基站的这种阵列结构,本文调查基于压缩感应(CS)应用大规模物联网(IoT)的压缩感测(AUD)和频道估测(CE)联合积极用户探测(AUD)和频道估测(CE)计划。 具体来说,我们利用毫米Wave/Thaz大规模IoT访问渠道的结构广度,我们首先将多面型大规模多面投影多面输出(MIMO)作为多度测量矢量矢量(MMV)-CS问题联合阵列。然后,我们利用基于预期最大化(EM)的算法学习以前的参数(即噪音差异和孔径比率比率),并且通过利用C-OV常规电算方法对AMAMA-MAM-S的改进后算算算算方法,这是我们MMMAMAMAMAMA-MA-MAUD的改进的模拟结果。