This letter studies a new array architecture, termed as modular extremely large-scale array (XL-array), for which a large number of array elements are arranged in a modular manner. Each module consists of a moderate number of array elements and the modules are regularly arranged with the inter-module space typically much larger than signal wavelength to cater to the actual mounting structure. We study the mathematical modelling and conduct the performance analysis for modular XL-array communications, by considering the non-uniform spherical wave (NUSW) characteristic that is more suitable than the conventional uniform plane wave (UPW) assumption for physically large arrays. A closed-form expression is derived for the maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in terms of the geometries of the modular XL-array, including the total array size and module separation, as well as the user's location. The asymptotic SNR scaling law is revealed as the size of modular array goes to infinity. Furthermore, we show that the developed modelling and performance analysis include the existing results for collocated XL-array or far-field UPW assumption as special cases. Numerical results demonstrate the importance of near-field modelling for modular XL-array communications since it leads to significantly different results from the conventional far-field UPW modelling.
翻译:该字母研究一个新的阵列结构,称为模块极大型阵列(XL-array),该阵列结构以模块方式安排了大量阵列元素。每个单元由数量不多的阵列元素组成,模块定期与模块间空间安排,通常比信号波长大得多,以适应实际安装结构。我们研究数学模型,对模块XL-array通信进行性能分析,考虑到模块阵列的大小不统一球状波(NUSW)特征,这比常规统一飞机波(UPW)对物理大型阵列的假设更为合适。从模块XL-阵列的最大信号至噪音比率(SNR)的封闭式表达方式,包括总阵列大小和模块分离,以及用户的位置。随着模块阵列的大小变得不尽相同,我们展示了无症状的SNRUR缩放法。此外,我们显示开发的建模和绩效分析包括XL-远方阵列或远方阵列 UP-W假设的现有结果,从模型的模型到模型型式的显著的模型,展示了X-Fl-LF-Feral-Feral-Feral-Formal 的模型结果。