We study the stability of the Lanczos algorithm run on problems whose eigenvector empirical spectral distribution is near to a reference measure with well-behaved orthogonal polynomials. We give a backwards stability result which can be upgraded to a forward stability result when the reference measure has a density supported on a single interval with square root behavior at the endpoints. Our analysis implies the Lanczos algorithm run on many large random matrix models is fact forward stable, and hence nearly deterministic, even when computations are carried out in finite precision arithmetic. Since the Lanczos algorithm is not forward stable in general, this provides yet another example of the fact that random matrices are far from "any old matrix", and care must be taken when using them to test numerical algorithms.
翻译:我们研究朗索斯算法的稳定性问题,这些问题的源代码实验光谱分布接近于一个以良好行为和正方形多面体分布的参考度量。我们给出了一个后向稳定性结果,当参照度的密度在单一间隔内支持,在端点有平方根行为时,它可以升级为前方稳定。我们的分析表明,在许多大型随机矩阵模型上运行的朗索斯算法事实上是向前稳定的,因此几乎具有确定性,即使计算是在有限的精确算术中进行的。由于朗索斯算法一般不前方稳定,这又提供了另一个例子,说明随机矩阵远离“任何旧矩阵 ”, 在使用它们测试数字算法时必须小心谨慎。</s>