Active flow control (AFC) involves manipulating fluid flow over time to achieve a desired performance or efficiency. AFC, as a sequential optimisation task, can benefit from utilising Reinforcement Learning (RL) for dynamic optimisation. In this work, we introduce Gym-preCICE, a Python adapter fully compliant with Gymnasium (formerly known as OpenAI Gym) API to facilitate designing and developing RL environments for single- and multi-physics AFC applications. In an actor-environment setting, Gym-preCICE takes advantage of preCICE, an open-source coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations, to handle information exchange between a controller (actor) and an AFC simulation environment. The developed framework results in a seamless non-invasive integration of realistic physics-based simulation toolboxes with RL algorithms. Gym-preCICE provides a framework for designing RL environments to model AFC tasks, as well as a playground for applying RL algorithms in various AFC-related engineering applications.