Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a subset of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) enabling communication between vehicles for safety, traffic updates, entertainment, and data sharing. Due to the high mobility in VANETs, routing messages to their final destination is challenging. Various protocols, such as broadcasting, multicasting, and geo-casting, are used to disseminate data. Multicasting protocols are effective in conserving bandwidth. One such protocol, Bandwidth Efficient Acknowledgment Based Multicasting Protocol (BEAM), improves VANET performance by minimizing in-network message transactions, particularly in emergencies. However, BEAM may cause multi-car collisions due to the absence of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. To address this, we propose an algorithm that incorporates clustering, grouping vehicles based on predefined metrics like density, velocity, and location. Clustering controls VANET topology dynamics, enhancing stability and reducing communication barriers and RSU installation costs. The proposed approach uses static and mobile agents for communication between vehicles and RSUs. In multicast groups, RSUs manage communication, while cluster heads (CHs) handle non-multicast groups. Agents decide cluster size and select primary and secondary cluster heads based on vehicle speed and connectivity. A backup cluster head prevents re-clustering during high mobility, extending cluster life and reducing routing overhead. Simulation results demonstrate improved performance in terms of throughput, PDR, and end-to-end delay compared to BEAM