A hybrid encryption scheme is a public-key encryption system that consists of a public-key part called the key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), and a (symmetric) secret-key part called data encapsulation mechanism (DEM): the public-key part is used to generate a shared secret key between two parties, and the symmetric key part is used to encrypt the message using the generated key. Hybrid encryption schemes are widely used for secure communication over the Internet. In this paper, we initiate the study of hybrid encryption in preprocessing model which assumes access to initial correlated variables by all parties (including the eavesdropper). We define information-theoretic KEM (iKEM) that, together with a (computationally) secure DEM, results in a hybrid encryption scheme in preprocessing model. We define the security of each building block, and prove a composition theorem that guarantees (computational) qe-chosen plaintext (CPA) security of the hybrid encryption system if the iKEM and the DEM satisfy qe-chosen encapculation attack and one-time security, respectively. We show that iKEM can be realized by a one-way SKA (OW-SKA) protocol with a revised security definition. Using an OW-SKA that satisfies this revised definition of security effectively allows the secret key that is generated by the OW-SKA to be used with a one-time symmetric key encryption system such as XORing a pseudorandom string with the message, and provide qe-CPA security for the hybrid encryption system.We discuss our results and directions for future work.
翻译:混合加密计划是一个公用钥匙加密系统, 包括一个公用钥匙加密系统, 称为关键封装机制( KEM), 和一个( 对称) 秘密钥匙部分, 称为数据封装机制( DEM ): 公用钥匙部分用于在两方之间生成一个共享的秘密密钥, 而对称关键部分则用于使用生成的密钥加密电文。 混合加密计划广泛用于互联网上的安全通信。 在本文中, 我们开始研究在预处理模型中的混合加密, 该模型假定所有各方( 包括窃听器) 都能访问初始相关变量。 我们定义了信息理论性 KEM ( iKEM), 连同一个( 翻译性) 安全的加密规则, 在预处理模式中, 我们定义了每个建筑区的安全, 并证明一个保证( computation) qchocsen 纯文本( CPA) 混合加密系统的安全性, 如果 iKEM 和 DEM 能够将icho- checking- checking SKA 分别使用S 安全定义。