The rapid introduction of mobile navigation aides that use real-time road network information to suggest alternate routes to drivers is making it more difficult for researchers and government transportation agencies to understand and predict the dynamics of congested transportation systems. Computer simulation is a key capability for these organizations to analyze hypothetical scenarios; however, the complexity of transportation systems makes it challenging for them to simulate very large geographical regions, such as multi-city metropolitan areas. In this paper, we describe the Mobiliti traffic simulator, which includes mechanisms to capture congestion delays, timing constraints, and link storage capacity constraints. The simulator is designed to support distributed memory parallel execution and be scalable on high-performance computing platforms. We introduce a method to model dynamic rerouting behavior with the addition of vehicle controller actors and reroute request events. We demonstrate the potential of the simulator by analyzing the impact of varying the population penetration rate of dynamic rerouting on the San Francisco Bay Area road network. Using high-performance parallel computing, we can simulate a day of the San Francisco Bay Area with 19 million vehicle trips with 50 percent dynamic rerouting penetration over a road network with 0.5 million nodes and 1 million links in less than three minutes. We present an analysis of system-level impacts when changing the dynamic rerouting penetration rate and examine the varying effects on different functional classes and geographical regions. Finally, we present a validation of the simulation results compared to real world data.
翻译:使用实时公路网络信息向司机建议替代路线的移动导航装置的快速引入使研究人员和政府运输机构更难理解和预测拥挤运输系统的动态。计算机模拟是这些组织分析假设情景的关键能力;然而,运输系统的复杂性使他们难以模拟巨大的地理区域,如多城市大都市地区。我们在本文件中描述了莫比里提交通模拟器,其中包括收集拥堵延误、时间安排限制和储存能力限制连接的机制。模拟器旨在支持分布式记忆平行执行,在高性能计算平台上可扩缩。我们采用一种方法,在增加车辆控制者的同时模拟动态改道行为,并改变请求事件路线。我们通过分析圣弗朗西斯科湾地区公路网动态改道造成的不同人口渗透率的影响,展示了模拟器的潜力。我们利用高性能平行计算,可以模拟圣弗朗西斯科湾地区一天的1 900万次车辆旅行,50%的动态改道在公路网络上进行穿透,同时以0.5百万个不变的地理动态速度分析,以及100万个区域进行我们目前不同水平的数据再分析。我们用不到0.5分钟的轨道对目前的实际影响进行实时分析,最后检查100万个区域进行。