Spatio-temporal models for count data are required in a wide range of scientific fields and they have become particularly crucial nowadays because of their ability to analyse COVID-19-related data. Models for count data are needed when the variable of interest take only non-negative integer values and these integers arise from counting occurrences. Several R-packages are currently available to deal with spatiotemporal areal count data. Each package focuses on different models and/or statistical methodologies. Unfortunately, the results generated by these models are rarely comparable due to differences in notation and methods. The main objective of this paper is to present a review describing the most important approaches that can be used to model and analyse count data when questions of scientific interest concern both their spatial and their temporal behaviour and we monitor their performance under the same data set. For this review, we focus on the three R-packages that can be used for this purpose and the different models assessed are representative of the two most widespread methodologies used to analyse spatiotemporal count data: the classical approach (based on Penalised Likelihood or Estimating Equations) and the Bayesian point of view. A case study is analysed as an illustration of these different methodologies. In this case study, these packages are used to model and predict daily hospitalisations from COVID-19 in 24 health regions within the Valencian Community (Spain), with data corresponding to the period from 28 June to 13 December 2020. Because of the current urgent need for monitoring and predicting data in the COVID-19 pandemic, this case study is, in itself, of particular importance and can be considered the secondary objective of this work. Satisfactory and promising results have been obtained in this second goal.
翻译:在一系列广泛的科学领域需要计算数据的时空模型,这些模型如今变得特别关键,因为它们能够分析COVID-19相关数据。当兴趣变量只涉及非负整数值,而这些整数则产生于点数发生时,就需要计数数据模型。一些R组合目前可用于处理Pastotomo-时间计数数据。每个包侧重于不同的模型和(或)统计方法。不幸的是,这些模型产生的结果很少具有可比性,因为它们能够分析COVI-19相关数据。本文件的主要目的是提供一个审查,说明当科学兴趣变量只涉及其空间和时间行为时,当利息变量只涉及非负整数值时,则可以用来模拟和分析计数数据。为了进行这一审查,我们侧重于可用于此目的的三种R组合,而不同的模型代表了用于分析EStation-时间计数数据的第二种最广泛方法(根据Cridical Liket 或Esimtingtinging Equalation D),本文的主要目的是说明当前Crediversalalal-Isal-Isal asisal Project of the eximal exal eximing the exal exal exal exal exal exal exal exm studation) asism studation。在本次研究中, 和Bayal is the the cal exal exal be exal exal exal exal be exal exal exitital exal exal exal exal exal exal exmismismismmismismismisal exital is is exal exal exal exal exal exital a exal exal 和这些模型研究中,这些案例研究研究中, exal exal exal a exal a exal exal 和这些模型是用于这些案例研究研究中, exal exal exal a exal exal exal exal exal exal exal 和这些模型是这些模型是用于这些案例研究研究中分析这些模型,这些模型是用于这些案例研究的案例研究的案例研究的案例研究的案例研究的案例研究,这些案例研究,这些模型研究的