The retriever-reader framework is popular for open-domain question answering (ODQA), where a retriever samples for the reader a set of relevant candidate passages from a large corpus. A key assumption behind this method is that high relevance scores from the retriever likely indicate high answerability from the reader, which implies a high probability that the retrieved passages contain answers to a given question. In this work, we empirically dispel this belief and observe that recent dense retrieval models based on DPR often rank unanswerable counterfactual passages higher than their answerable original passages. To address such answer-unawareness in dense retrievers, we seek to use counterfactual samples as additional training resources to better synchronize the relevance measurement of DPR with the answerability of question-passage pairs. Specifically, we present counterfactually-Pivoting Contrastive Learning (PiCL), a novel representation learning approach for passage retrieval that leverages counterfactual samples as pivots between positive and negative samples in their learned embedding space. We incorporate PiCL into the retriever training to show the effectiveness of PiCL on ODQA benchmarks and the robustness of the learned models.