Preoperative medical imaging is an essential part of surgical planning. The data from medical imaging devices, such as CT and MRI scanners, consist of stacks of 2D images in DICOM format. Conversely, advances in 3D data visualization provide further information by assembling cross-sections into 3D volumetric datasets. As Microsoft unveiled the HoloLens 2 (HL2), which is considered one of the best Mixed Reality (XR) headsets in the market, it promised to enhance visualization in 3D by providing an immersive experience to users. This paper introduces a prototype holographic XR DICOM Viewer for the 3D visualization of DICOM image sets on HL2 for surgical planning. We first developed a standalone graphical C++ engine using the native DirectX11 API and HLSL shaders. Based on that, the prototype further applies the OpenXR API for potential deployment on a wide range of devices from vendors across the XR spectrum. With native access to the device, our prototype unravels the limitation of hardware capabilities on HL2 for 3D volume rendering and interaction. Moreover, smartphones can act as input devices to provide another user interaction method by connecting to our server. In this paper, we present a holographic DICOM viewer for the HoloLens 2 and contribute (i) a prototype that renders the DICOM image stacks in real-time on HL2, (ii) three types of user interactions in XR, and (iii) a preliminary qualitative evaluation of our prototype.
翻译:手术前医学成像是手术规划的一个基本部分。来自医疗成像设备的数据,如CT和MRI扫描仪,由DICOM格式的2D图像堆叠成2D图像组成。相反,3D数据可视化的进步通过将剖面集合到 3D 体积数据集提供进一步信息。微软将HoloLens 2 (HL2) 公开了HoloLens 2 (HL2) (HL2) (HL2) 被认为是市场上最好的混合Reality (XR) 头饰之一,它承诺通过向用户提供初步质量经验,加强3D的可视化。本文为HL2 HL2 的DI 3D 图像的可视化3D XR 原型 XR DI 查看器引入了一个原型原型原型的原型,用于手术规划。我们首先利用本地的DX11 API 和 HLSL 遮罩软件开发了独立图形 C+7 。根据这个原型,将OXR AL II 的硬拷贝机机 用于我们3 的硬拷贝 的硬拷贝 的HL 。