Quantum computing leverages quantum effects to build algorithms that are faster then their classical variants. In machine learning, for a given model architecture, the speed of training the model is typically determined by the size of the training dataset. Thus, quantum machine learning methods have the potential to facilitate learning using extremely large datasets. While the availability of data for training machine learning models is steadily increasing, oftentimes it is much easier to collect feature vectors that to obtain the corresponding labels. One of the approaches for addressing this issue is to use semi-supervised learning, which leverages not only the labeled samples, but also unlabeled feature vectors. Here, we present a quantum machine learning algorithm for training Semi-Supervised Kernel Support Vector Machines. The algorithm uses recent advances in quantum sample-based Hamiltonian simulation to extend the existing Quantum LS-SVM algorithm to handle the semi-supervised term in the loss. Through a theoretical study of the algorithm's computational complexity, we show that it maintains the same speedup as the fully-supervised Quantum LS-SVM.
翻译:量子计算利用量子效应来建立算法,这种算法的速度比它们的古典变体要快。在机器学习中,对于一个特定的模型结构,培训模式的速度通常取决于培训数据集的大小。因此,量子机器学习方法具有利用极大数据集促进学习的潜力。虽然用于培训机器学习模型的数据在稳步增加,但往往更容易收集为获得相应的标签而获得的特性矢量。解决这一问题的方法之一是使用半监督的学习方法,不仅利用标签样本,而且利用未标记的特性矢量器。在这里,我们提出量子机器学习算法,用于培训半超固心支持矢量机。算法利用量子样本模拟法的最新进展来扩大现有的汉密尔顿模型LS-SVM算法,以处理损失中的半超强术语。通过对算法的计算复杂性进行理论研究,我们显示它保持与完全超固的Qannel LS-SVM相同的速度。