With a sequence of regressions, one may generate joint probability distributions. One starts with a joint, marginal distribution of context variables having possibly a concentration graph structure and continues with an ordered sequence of conditional distributions, named regressions in joint responses. The involved random variables may be discrete, continuous or of both types. Such a generating process specifies for each response a conditioning set which contains just its regressor variables and it leads to at least one valid ordering of all nodes in the corresponding regression graph which has three types of edge; one for undirected dependences among context variables, another for undirected dependences among joint responses and one for any directed dependence of a response on a regressor variable. For this regression graph, there are several definitions of pairwise Markov properties, where each interprets the conditional independence associated with a missing edge in the graph in a different way. We explain how these properties arise, prove their equivalence for compositional graphoids and point at the equivalence of each one of them to the global Markov property.
翻译:使用一个回归序列, 可能会产生共同概率分布 。 首先是环境变量的组合、 边际分布, 可能是一个焦点图形结构, 继续以一个顺序顺序排列有条件分布, 并在联合响应中标出回归。 所涉及的随机变量可能是离散的、 连续的或两种类型的。 这样的生成过程为每个响应指定了一个调制组, 它只包含其递增变量, 并导致相应的回归图中至少一个有效的所有节点的排序, 该图有三种边缘; 一个是上下文变量之间的非定向依赖, 另一个是联合响应之间的非定向依赖, 还有一个是对递增变量的任何直接依赖。 对于这个回归图, 每种对马可夫属性都有几种定义, 其中每种定义都以不同的方式解释与图表中缺失的边缘相关的有条件独立。 我们解释这些属性是如何产生的, 证明组成图形的等值, 以及每个等值点与全球 Markov 属性的等值 。