Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have demonstrated excellent capabilities in various intelligent scenarios. Most existing methods for training SNNs are based on the concept of synaptic plasticity; however, learning in the realistic brain also utilizes intrinsic non-synaptic mechanisms of neurons. The spike threshold of biological neurons is a critical intrinsic neuronal feature that exhibits rich dynamics on a millisecond timescale and has been proposed as an underlying mechanism that facilitates neural information processing. In this study, we develop a novel synergistic learning approach that simultaneously trains synaptic weights and spike thresholds in SNNs. SNNs trained with synapse-threshold synergistic learning (STL-SNNs) achieve significantly higher accuracies on various static and neuromorphic datasets than SNNs trained with two single-learning models of the synaptic learning (SL) and the threshold learning (TL). During training, the synergistic learning approach optimizes neural thresholds, providing the network with stable signal transmission via appropriate firing rates. Further analysis indicates that STL-SNNs are robust to noisy data and exhibit low energy consumption for deep network structures. Additionally, the performance of STL-SNN can be further improved by introducing a generalized joint decision framework (JDF). Overall, our findings indicate that biologically plausible synergies between synaptic and intrinsic non-synaptic mechanisms may provide a promising approach for developing highly efficient SNN learning methods.
翻译:在各种智能情景中,Spik 神经神经网络(SNNS)展示出卓越的能力。大多数现有的培训SNNS的方法都是基于合成塑料的理念;然而,在现实的大脑中学习也使用神经元的内在非合成机制。生物神经元的激增临界值是一个至关重要的内在神经性特征,在毫秒的时间尺度上表现出丰富的动态,并被提议为便利神经信息处理的基本机制。在这项研究中,我们开发了一种新型的协同学习方法,该方法同时在SNNS中培训合成重量和峰值阈值。在SnNNPS中培训的SNNNS-S协同学习(STL-SNNNS)在各种静态和神经形态的数据集上取得了比SNNDS高得多的精度,而SNDMS-NV的内生性同步模型则是我们不断改进的内生性理论结构。通过高射速的S-NDF, 进一步显示S-S-S-SNNDS-S-S-S-S-S-stimalstimal comstal comstuding studing studyal commess commess commess a int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int intext intext intolviolviolviolviolents int int commessmessmess int int intext intext subolviolviewsubolvicess sublots subol int int subal sublocess subildings subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal subal labal lats int subal subal subal