The electronic structure and thermopower ($\alpha$) behavior of LaFeO$_{3}$ compound were investigated by combining the ab-initio electronic structures and Boltzmann transport calculations. LSDA plus Hubbard U (U = 5 eV) calculation on G-type anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) configuration gives an energy gap of $\sim$2 eV, which is very close to the experimentally reported energy gap. The calculated values of effective mass of holes (m$^{*}$$_{h}$) in valance band (VB) are found $\sim$4 times that of the effective mass of electrons (m$^{*}$$_{e}$) in conduction band (CB). The large effective masses of holes are responsible for the large and positive thermopower exhibited by this compound. The calculated values of $\alpha$ using BoltzTraP code are found to be large and positive in the 300-1200 K temperature range, which is in agreement with the experimentally reported data.
翻译:LFA+Hubbard U(U=5 eV)在G型反热磁性(AFM)配置上计算得出的G型反热磁性(AFM)的能量差距为2 eV美元,这与实验报告的能量差距非常接近。VB值波段(VB)中有效孔质量(m $ $ $ $ 美元)的计算值是行为波段(CB)有效电子质量(m $ $ $ $ $ e)的4倍。大型有效孔体是该复合体显示的巨大正热能的。使用BoltzTraP代码计算得出的计算值在300-1,200K温度范围内是巨大的正值,这与实验报告的数据一致。