The recent growth of blockchain technology has accelerated research on decentralized platforms. Initial blockchain platforms decide on what should be added to the ledger based on Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus protocol. PoW requires its participants to perform large computations and leads to massive energy wastage. Recent blockchains aim to replace PoW through Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Malicious Fault-Tolerant (MFT) consensus protocols. However, the safety of the ledger created by these protocols is at the mercy of the long-term safe-keeping of the private keys of participants. As a result, these blockchains face long-range attacks. To ameliorate this situation, we present the design of our novel Power-of-Collaboration (PoC) protocol, which guards existing PoS and MFT blockchains against long-range attacks. We show that PoC can be easily appended to existing blockchains and only marginally degrades their throughputs.