Stereo matching is a key technique for metric depth estimation in computer vision and robotics. Real-world challenges like occlusion and non-texture hinder accurate disparity estimation from binocular matching cues. Recently, monocular relative depth estimation has shown remarkable generalization using vision foundation models. Thus, to facilitate robust stereo matching with monocular depth cues, we incorporate a robust monocular relative depth model into the recurrent stereo-matching framework, building a new framework for depth foundation model-based stereo-matching, DEFOM-Stereo. In the feature extraction stage, we construct the combined context and matching feature encoder by integrating features from conventional CNNs and DEFOM. In the update stage, we use the depth predicted by DEFOM to initialize the recurrent disparity and introduce a scale update module to refine the disparity at the correct scale. DEFOM-Stereo is verified to have comparable performance on the Scene Flow dataset with state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods and notably shows much stronger zero-shot generalization. Moreover, DEFOM-Stereo achieves SOTA performance on the KITTI 2012, KITTI 2015, Middlebury, and ETH3D benchmarks, ranking 1st on many metrics. In the joint evaluation under the robust vision challenge, our model simultaneously outperforms previous models on the individual benchmarks. Both results demonstrate the outstanding capabilities of the proposed model.