In this paper, we propose two contributions to neural network based denoising. First, we propose applying separate convolutional layers to each sub-band of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) as opposed to the common usage of DWT which concatenates all sub-bands and applies a single convolution layer. We show that our approach to using DWT in neural networks improves the accuracy notably, due to keeping the sub-band order uncorrupted prior to inverse DWT. Our second contribution is a denoising loss based on top k-percent of errors in frequency domain. A neural network trained with this loss, adaptively focuses on frequencies that it fails to recover the most in each iteration. We show that this loss results into better perceptual quality by providing an image that is more balanced in terms of the errors in frequency components.
翻译:在本文中,我们建议对基于神经网络的分解做出两项贡献。 首先,我们建议对离散波盘变换的每个子带分别应用进化层,而不是对DWT的常用使用,DWT将所有子波带混合在一起,并应用一个单一变化层。我们表明,我们在神经网络中使用DWT的方法提高了准确性,因为次波段顺序在DWT反转之前一直没有损坏。我们的第二个贡献是基于频率域中最高千分率错误的去化损失。一个接受过这种损失训练的神经网络,适应性地侧重于频率,它无法在每次循环中恢复最强的频率。我们通过提供在频率组成部分错误方面更加平衡的图像,来显示这种损失导致更好的感知质量。