We consider the problem of computing shortest paths in weighted unit-disk graphs in constant dimension $d$. Although the single-source and all-pairs variants of this problem are well-studied in the plane case, no non-trivial exact distance oracles for unit-disk graphs have been known to date, even for $d=2$. The classical result of Sedgewick and Vitter [Algorithmica '86] shows that for weighted unit-disk graphs in the plane the $A^*$ search has average-case performance superior to that of a standard shortest path algorithm, e.g., Dijkstra's algorithm. Specifically, if the $n$ corresponding points of a weighted unit-disk graph $G$ are picked from a unit square uniformly at random, and the connectivity radius is $r\in (0,1)$, $A^*$ finds a shortest path in $G$ in $O(n)$ expected time when $r=\Omega(\sqrt{\log n/n})$, even though $G$ has $\Theta((nr)^2)$ edges in expectation. In other words, the work done by the algorithm is in expectation proportional to the number of vertices and not the number of edges. In this paper, we break this natural barrier and show even stronger sublinear time results. We propose a new heuristic approach to computing point-to-point exact shortest paths in unit-disk graphs. We analyze the average-case behavior of our heuristic using the same random graph model as used by Sedgewick and Vitter and prove it superior to $A^*$. Specifically, we show that, if we are able to report the set of all $k$ points of $G$ from an arbitrary rectangular region of the plane in $O(k + t(n))$ time, then a shortest path between arbitrary two points of such a random graph on the plane can be found in $O(1/r^2 + t(n))$ expected time. In particular, the state-of-the-art range reporting data structures imply a sublinear expected bound for all $r=\Omega(\sqrt{\log n/n})$ and $O(\sqrt{n})$ expected bound for $r=\Omega(n^{-1/4})$ after only near-linear preprocessing of the point set.
翻译:我们考虑的是将最短路径计算成加权单位1 磁盘图的问题。 虽然这个问题的单一源和全部面值变量在平面上得到了很好地研究, 但迄今为止尚未知道单位磁盘图形的非三重准确距离或触角, 甚至以美元=2美元计算。 Sedgewick 和 Vitter [Aorithmica '86] 的经典结果显示,对于平面的加权单位- 磁盘图来说, $=美元搜索的平均情况优于标准最短路径算法, 例如, Dijkstra的算法。 具体地说, 如果加权单位- disk 图形的相对值点在任意的平方位上被选取, 美元=2美元。 美元=美元=美元=美元=美元=86) 典型的结果显示, 当 美元( 美元) (O_ 美元) 的数值搜索的平均情况优于标准最短路径运算值值, 即使是美元- 直径比值的平面值报告值, 以美元表示, 美元=x 的预期值为美元=x。