We consider the model of a token-based joint auto-scaling and load balancing strategy, proposed in a recent paper by Mukherjee, Dhara, Borst, and van Leeuwaarden (SIGMETRICS '17, arXiv:1703.08373), which offers an efficient scalable implementation and yet achieves asymptotically optimal steady-state delay performance and energy consumption as the number of servers $N\to\infty$. In the above work, the asymptotic results are obtained under the assumption that the queues have fixed-size finite buffers, and therefore the fundamental question of stability of the proposed scheme with infinite buffers was left open. In this paper, we address this fundamental stability question. The system stability under the usual subcritical load assumption is not automatic. Moreover, the stability may not even hold for all $N$. The key challenge stems from the fact that the process lacks monotonicity, which has been the powerful primary tool for establishing stability in load balancing models. We develop a novel method to prove that the subcritically loaded system is stable for large enough $N$, and establish convergence of steady-state distributions to the optimal one, as $N \to \infty$. The method goes beyond the state of the art techniques -- it uses an induction-based idea and a "weak monotonicity" property of the model; this technique is of independent interest and may have broader applicability.
翻译:我们认为,Mukherjee、Dhara、Borst和van Leeuwaarden最近的一份文件(SIGMETRICS '17, arXiv:1703.08373)提出的基于象征性的联合自动扩缩和负载平衡战略模式,提供了高效的可扩缩实施,然而,却实现了无休止的最佳稳定国家延迟性表现和能源消耗,这是服务器数量N\to\infty。在上述工作中,在假设排队有固定规模的有限缓冲,因此,拟议办法具有无限缓冲的稳定性这一根本问题尚未解决。在本文件中,我们讨论了这一基本的稳定问题。通常的次临界负载假设下的系统稳定性并不是自动的。此外,稳定性可能甚至不能维持所有美元。关键的挑战在于,这一过程缺乏单一性模式,而这是建立负重平衡模型稳定性的强大主要工具。我们开发了一个新方法,以证明低临界值美元系统所装的稳定性问题在于“最稳的美元分配方法”,“最稳的美元分配方法”将“最稳的美元方法”确定。