Game theory has been an effective tool in the control of disease spread and in suggesting optimal policies at both individual and area levels. In this AMS Notices article, we focus on the decision-making development for the intervention of COVID-19, aiming to provide mathematical models and efficient machine learning methods, and justifications for related policies that have been implemented in the past and explain how the authorities' decisions affect their neighboring regions from a game theory viewpoint.
翻译:游戏理论一直是控制疾病传播和在个人和地区层面提出最佳政策的有效工具。 在AMS通知文章中,我们侧重于COVID-19干预的决策发展,目的是提供数学模型和高效机器学习方法,以及过去实施的相关政策的理由,并从游戏理论的角度解释当局的决定如何影响邻近区域。