Automatic fact verification has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years and among datasets the Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER) dataset is one of the most popular. In this work we present BEVERS, a tuned baseline system for the FEVER dataset. Our pipeline uses standard approaches for document retrieval, sentence selection, and final claim classification, however, we spend considerable effort ensuring optimal performance for each component. The results are that BEVERS achieves the highest FEVER score and label accuracy among all systems, published or unpublished. We also apply this pipeline to another fact verification dataset, Scifact, and achieve the highest label accuracy among all systems on that dataset as well. We also make our full code available.
翻译:自动事实验证已成为近年来越来越受欢迎的研究主题,其中Fact Extraction and VERification(FEVER)数据集是最受欢迎的之一。在本文中,我们将介绍BEVERS,这是FEVER数据集的一个经过调试的基线系统。我们使用标准方法进行文档检索、句子选择和最终的声明分类,但是对于每个组件,我们都花费了相当的精力确保其最佳性能。结果是,BEVERS在所有系统中(包括已发布和未发布的)均取得了最高的FEVER分数和标签准确性。我们还将此管道应用于另一个事实验证数据集Scifact,并且在该数据集中也取得了所有系统中的最高标签准确性。我们还提供了完整的代码。