Interacting particle systems undergoing repeated mutation and selection steps model genetic evolution, and also describe a broad class of sequential Monte Carlo methods. The genealogical tree embedded into the system is important in both applications. Under neutrality, when fitnesses of particles are independent from those of their parents, rescaled genealogies are known to converge to Kingman's coalescent. Recent work has established convergence under non-neutrality, but only for finite-dimensional distributions. We prove weak convergence of non-neutral genealogies on the space of c\`adl\`ag paths under standard assumptions, enabling analysis of the whole genealogical tree.
翻译:中间粒子系统反复突变和选择步骤模式遗传演变,并描述一系列广泛的相继蒙特卡洛方法。在这个系统中嵌入的基因树在两种应用中都很重要。在中性情况下,当粒子的适合性独立于其父母的特性时,已知重新定序的基因库会与金曼的日光相融合。最近的工作在非中性下建立了趋同,但仅限于有限维分布。根据标准假设,我们证明非中性基因库在c ⁇ adl ⁇ ag路径空间上的趋同性不强,从而能够对整个基因树进行分析。