Following advances in the theory of composites we develop rapidly converging series expansions about $z=\infty$ for the resolvent ${\bf R}(z)=[z{\bf I}-{\bf P}^\dagger{\bf Q}{\bf P}]^{-1}$ where ${\bf Q}$ is an orthogonal projection and ${\bf P}$ is such that ${\bf P}^\dagger{\bf P}={\bf I}$ while $\Gamma={\bf P}{\bf P}^\dagger$ is an orthogonal projection. It is assumed that the spectrum of ${\bf P}^\dagger{\bf Q}{\bf P}$ lies within the interval $[z^-,z^+]$ for some known $z^+\leq 1$ and $z^-\geq 0$. The series converges in the entire $z$-plane excluding the cut $[z^-,z^+]$. It is obtained using subspace substitution, where the desired resolvent is tied to a resolvent in a larger space and ${\bf Q}$ gets replaced by a projection $\underline{\bf Q}$ that is no longer orthogonal.