A corpus of recent work has revealed that the learned index can improve query performance while reducing the storage overhead. It potentially offers an opportunity to address the spatial query processing challenges caused by the surge in location-based services. Although several learned indexes have been proposed to process spatial data, the main idea behind these approaches is to utilize the existing one-dimensional learned models, which requires either converting the spatial data into one-dimensional data or applying the learned model on individual dimensions separately. As a result, these approaches cannot fully utilize or take advantage of the information regarding the spatial distribution of the original spatial data. To this end, in this paper, we exploit it by using the spatial (multi-dimensional) interpolation function as the learned model, which can be directly employed on the spatial data. Specifically, we design an efficient SPatial inteRpolation functIon based Grid index (SPRIG) to process the range and kNN queries. Detailed experiments are conducted on real-world datasets, and the results indicate that our proposed learned index can significantly improve the performance in comparison with the traditional spatial indexes and a state-of-the-art multi-dimensional learned index.
翻译:最近的一系列工作表明,所学的指数可以提高查询性能,同时减少存储管理费用,这有可能为解决基于地点的服务激增造成的空间查询处理挑战提供一个机会。虽然提出了若干已学的指数来处理空间数据,但这些方法背后的主要想法是利用现有的单维所学模型,这要求将空间数据转换成一维数据,或将所学的模型分别应用于各个层面。因此,这些方法无法充分利用或利用关于原始空间数据空间分布的信息。为此,我们在本文件中利用空间(多维)内插功能作为可直接用于空间数据的学习模型。具体地说,我们设计了高效的SPatarial Inpolation functIon 网格指数(SPRIG)来处理范围问题和 kNN查询。在现实世界数据集上进行了详细实验,结果显示,我们拟议的所学指数可以大大改进与传统空间索引和最新多维学习指数相比较的性能。