Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) have emerged as a promising solution for reducing the memory footprint and compute costs of deep neural networks. BNNs, on the other hand, suffer from information loss because binary activations are limited to only two values, resulting in reduced accuracy. To improve the accuracy, previous studies have attempted to control the distribution of binary activation by manually shifting the threshold of the activation function or making the shift amount trainable. During the process, they usually depended on statistical information computed from a batch. We argue that using statistical data from a batch fails to capture the crucial information for each input instance in BNN computations, and the differences between statistical information computed from each instance need to be considered when determining the binary activation threshold of each instance. Based on the concept, we propose the Binary Neural Network with INSTAnce-aware threshold (INSTA-BNN), which decides the activation threshold value considering the difference between statistical data computed from a batch and each instance. The proposed INSTA-BNN outperforms the baseline by 2.5% and 2.3% on the ImageNet classification task with comparable computing cost, achieving 68.0% and 71.7% top-1 accuracy on ResNet-18 and MobileNetV1 based models, respectively.
翻译:光导神经网络(BNNs)是减少内存足迹和计算深神经网络成本的一个大有希望的解决办法。 另一方面,BNNs则因二进制激活仅限于两个值而蒙受信息损失,导致准确性降低。为了提高准确性,先前的研究试图通过手动移动激活功能的阈值或使轮值可培训来控制二进制激活的分布。在这一过程期间,它们通常依赖于从批量中计算的统计信息。我们争辩说,使用一组统计数据无法捕捉BNN计算中每个输入实例的关键信息,而在确定每个案例的二进制启动阈值时,需要考虑从每例计算中计算的统计信息之间的差异。根据这一概念,我们建议采用INSTANS-aware阈值(INSTA-BNNN)的二进制神经网络网络(INTA-BNNN)来决定二进制激活的分布值,其中考虑到从批量和每例计算统计数据的差异。拟议INSTA-BNN(IN)在图像网络分类工作中将基线调整2.5%和2.3%的基线,其计算成本可比较的模型为68-0%和71-1。