We study $L_2$-approximation problems in the worst case setting in the weighted Korobov spaces $H_{d,\a,{\bm \ga}}$ with parameters $1\ge \ga_1\ge \ga_2\ge \cdots\ge 0$ and $\frac1 2<\az_1\le \az_2\le \cdots$. We consider the worst case error of algorithms that use finitely many arbitrary continuous linear functionals. We discuss the strongly polynomial tractability (SPT), polynomial tractability (PT), and $(t_1,t_2)$-weak tractability ($(t_1,t_2)$-WT) for all $t_1>1$ and $t_2>0$ under the absolute or normalized error criterion. In particular, we obtain the matching necessary and sufficient condition for SPT or PT in terms of the parameters.