This paper investigates a novel unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) secure communication system with the assistance of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), where an UAV and a ground user communicate with each other, while an eavesdropper tends to wiretap their information. Due to the limited capacity of UAVs, a RIS is applied to further improve the quality of the secure communications. The time division multiple access (TDMA) protocol is applied for the communications between the UAV and the ground user, namely, the downlink (DL) and the uplink (UL) communications. In particular, the channel state information (CSI) of the eavesdropping channels is assumed to be imperfect. We aim to maximize the average worst-case secrecy rate by the robust joint design of the UAV's trajectory, RIS's passive beamforming, and transmit power of the legitimate transmitters. It is challenging to solve the Joint UL/DL optimization problem due to its non-convexity. To this end, we develop an efficient algorithm based on the alternating optimization (AO) technique. Specifically, the formulated problem is divided into three sub-problems, and the successive convex approximation (SCA), S-Procedure, and semidefinite relaxation (SDR) are applied to tackle these non-convex sub-problems. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can considerably improve the average secrecy rate compared with the benchmark algorithms, and also confirm the robustness of the proposed algorithm.
翻译:本文在可重新配置智能表面(RIS)的协助下,对新型无人驾驶飞行器(UAVs)安全通信系统进行了调查,其中无人驾驶飞行器(UAVs)和地面用户相互沟通,而窃听器则倾向于窃听其信息。由于UAV的能力有限,应用RIS来进一步提高安全通信的质量。对无人驾驶飞行器和地面用户之间的通信(即下链接(DL)和上链接(UL)通信)应用了时间分割多存(TDMA)协议。为此,我们根据电子窃听频道的频道状态信息(CSI)被认为是不完善的,而窃听器则倾向于窃听器对信息进行窃听。由于UAVA的轨迹、RIS的被动光束和传送合法发报机的能量的精密性,因此难以解决UL/DL联合优化问题,即低链接(DL)和上链接(UL)通信。为此,我们开发了高效的算法,基于交替优化(AOSIS)的透明性、低序和低序技术(SARCRL) 的精度,也明确地展示了S-ral-ral-ral-ral 。