Sound source localisation is used in many consumer electronics devices, to help isolate audio from individual speakers and to reject noise. Localization is frequently accomplished by "beamforming" algorithms, which combine microphone audio streams to improve received signal power from particular incident source directions. Beamforming algorithms generally use knowledge of the frequency components of the audio source, along with the known microphone array geometry, to analytically phase-shift microphone streams before combining them. A dense set of band-pass filters is often used to obtain known-frequency "narrowband" components from wide-band audio streams. These approaches achieve high accuracy, but state of the art narrowband beamforming algorithms are computationally demanding, and are therefore difficult to integrate into low-power IoT devices. We demonstrate a novel method for sound source localisation in arbitrary microphone arrays, designed for efficient implementation in ultra-low-power spiking neural networks (SNNs). We use a novel short-time Hilbert transform (STHT) to remove the need for demanding band-pass filtering of audio, and introduce a new accompanying method for audio encoding with spiking events. Our beamforming and localisation approach achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for SNN methods, and comparable with traditional non-SNN super-resolution approaches. We deploy our method to low-power SNN audio inference hardware, and achieve much lower power consumption compared with super-resolution methods. We demonstrate that signal processing approaches can be co-designed with spiking neural network implementations to achieve high levels of power efficiency. Our new Hilbert-transform-based method for beamforming promises to also improve the efficiency of traditional DSP-based signal processing.