We introduce a one-sided incidence tree decomposition of a CNF $\varphi$. This is a tree decomposition of the incidence graph of $\varphi$ where the underlying tree is rooted and the set of bags containing each clause induces a directed path in the tree. The one-sided treewidth is the smallest width of a one-sided incidence tree decomposition. We consider a class of unsatisfiable CNF $\varphi$ that can be turned into one of one sided treewidth at most $k$ by removal of at most $p$ clauses. We show that the size of regular resolution for this class of CNFs is FPT parameterized by $k$ and $p$. The results contributes to understanding the complexity of resolution for CNFs of bounded incidence treewidth, an open problem well known in the areas of proof complexity and knowledge compilation. In particular, the result significantly generalizes all the restricted classes of CNFs of bounded incidence treewidth that are known to admit an FPT sized resolution. The proof includes an auxiliary result and several new notions that may be of an independent interest.
翻译:我们引入了一种单向事件树分解的CNF $\ varphie$。 这是一个树分解的树分解图的树分解图, 根植于此树, 含有每条条款的袋子在树上引出一条定向路径。 单向树宽是单向事件树分解最小的宽度。 我们考虑的是一类无法满足的CNF $\ varphie$美元, 通过去除最多为$p$的条款, 最多可变成一对面树分解的一对一。 我们显示了这一类CNF的常规分辨率大小是FPT 参数化为 $和 $p$。 其结果有助于理解受约束事件树分解的CNF的复杂度, 这是一个在证据复杂度和知识汇编方面广为人知的公开问题。 特别是, 其结果大大概括了所有受限制的、 受约束的CNFNFFPT wids 的类别, 承认FPT 大小的分辨率。 证据包括一个辅助结果和若干新概念, 可能具有独立的兴趣。