If $S$ is a transitive metric space, then $|C|\cdot|A| \le |S|$ for any distance-$d$ code $C$ and a set $A$, "anticode", of diameter less than $d$. For every Steiner S$(t,w,n)$ system $S$, we show the existence of a $q$-ary constant-weight code $C$ of length $n$, weight $w$ (or $n-w$), and distance $d=2w-t+1$ (respectively, $d=n-t+1$) and an anticode $A$ of diameter $d-1$ such that the pair $(C,A)$ attains the code-anticode bound and the supports of the codewords of $C$ are the blocks of $S$ (respectively, the complements of the blocks of $S$). We study the problem of estimating the minimum value of $q$ for which such a code exists, and find that minimum for small values of $t$. Keywords: diameter perfect codes, anticodes, constant-weight codes, code-anticode bound, Steiner systems.