Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are often safety-critical and deployed in uncertain environments. Identifying scenarios where CPSs do not comply with requirements is fundamental but difficult due to the multidisciplinary nature of CPSs. We investigate the testing of control-based CPSs, where control and software engineers develop the software collaboratively. Control engineers make design assumptions during system development to leverage control theory and obtain guarantees on CPS behaviour. In the implemented system, however, such assumptions are not always satisfied, and their falsification can lead to guarantees loss. We define stress testing of control-based CPSs as generating tests to falsify such design assumptions. We highlight different types of assumptions, focusing on the use of linearised physics models. To generate stress tests falsifying such assumptions, we leverage control theory to qualitatively characterise the input space of a control-based CPS. We propose a novel test parametrisation for control-based CPSs and use it with the input space characterisation to develop a stress testing approach. We evaluate our approach on three case study systems, including a drone, a continuous-current motor (in five configurations), and an aircraft.Our results show the effectiveness of the proposed testing approach in falsifying the design assumptions and highlighting the causes of assumption violations.