Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification successively alternate convolutions and downsampling operations, such as pooling layers or strided convolutions, resulting in lower resolution features the deeper the network gets. These downsampling operations save computational resources and provide some translational invariance as well as a bigger receptive field at the next layers. However, an inherent side-effect of this is that high-level features, produced at the deep end of the network, are always captured in low resolution feature maps. The inverse is also true, as shallow layers always contain small scale features. In biomedical image analysis engineers are often tasked with classifying very small image patches which carry only a limited amount of information. By their nature, these patches may not even contain objects, with the classification depending instead on the detection of subtle underlying patterns with an unknown scale in the image's texture. In these cases every bit of information is valuable; thus, it is important to extract the maximum number of informative features possible. Driven by these considerations, we introduce a new CNN architecture which preserves multi-scale features from deep, intermediate, and shallow layers by utilizing skip connections along with consecutive contractions and expansions of the feature maps. Using a dataset of very low resolution patches from Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) CT scans we demonstrate that our network can outperform current state of the art models.
翻译:深革命神经网络( CNNs) 用于图像分类的深革命神经网络( CNNs ), 相继交替的相继演进和下游的操作, 如集合层或分层的演进, 导致网络越深, 分辨率越低, 分辨率越低, 分辨率越低。 在生物医学图像分析工程师往往负责对非常小的图像补丁进行分类, 且只包含数量有限的信息。 根据其性质, 这些下游取样操作可能甚至不包含对象, 而分类则取决于对图像纹理中规模未知的微妙基本模式的检测。 在这些情况中, 每一部分信息都是有价值的; 因此, 必须提取尽可能多的信息特征。 基于这些考虑, 我们引入一个新的CNN结构, 将多比例的图像补补补补设置从深度、 中间和浅层上保持, 利用连续的粉色的红外的红外图, 利用连续的红外的红外图, 利用连续的平面的平面的平面图层显示。