We study copula-based collective risk models when the dependence structure is defined by a Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) copula. By leveraging a one-to-one correspondence between the class of FGM copulas and multivariate symmetric Bernoulli distributions, we find convenient representations for the moments and Laplace-Stieltjes transform for the aggregate random variable defined from collective risk models with FGM dependence. We examine different components of this collective risk model, aiming to have a better understanding of the impact of the assumed dependence between the frequency and severity of a claim. Relying on stochastic ordering, we analyze the impact of dependence on the aggregate claim rv $S$. Even if the FGM copula may only induce moderate dependence, we illustrate through numerical examples that the cumulative effect of dependence can generate large ranges of values for the expected value, the standard deviation, the Tail-Value-at-Risk and the entropic risk measure of aggregate claim random variables within these collective risk models. Finally, we leave the theoretical setting to investigate the collective risk model with FGM dependence with observed data.