Do societal pressures encourage women to be more uncertain than their male counterparts? We explore this question in the context of academic publishing, by examining the evolution of cautionary language used in manuscripts over the course of the review process. Comparing pre-submission versions of manuscripts to their published versions reveals a robust pattern: in first drafts of academic manuscripts, male and female authors write with similar levels of uncertainty. However, when we trace those early drafts to their published versions, an 11 point gap in uncertainty arises. We take a multi-method approach to isolate the role of gender in changes in uncertainty, including extensive control variables and fixed effects, and by training an NLP model to simulate all-else-equal counterfactual observations. Finally, we explore the role of individual editors in contributing to the gender gap in changes in uncertainty; we do so by constructing a network of author-to-editor matches that allow us to extract editor-specific fixed effects, capturing how a particular editor influences female-authored papers relative to male-authored papers (the editor's author-gender gap). We find considerable variation in editors' author-gender gaps and find that these editor-specific effects account for significant variation in the changes in uncertainty of an article through the review process. Finally, we show that an editor's author-gender gap correlates with observable editor characteristics such as societal norms in their country-of-origin, their work history, and the year that they obtained their PhD. Overall, our study speaks to the critical role of editors in shaping how female academics communicate.
翻译:社会压力是否鼓励女性比男性同行更不确定? 我们从学术出版的角度探讨这一问题,方法是审查在审查过程中手稿中使用的谨慎语言的演变情况。 将手稿的提交前版本与其出版版本进行比较,表明一种强有力的模式:在学术手稿初稿中,男女作者的写作程度相似,具有类似的不确定性。然而,当我们将这些早期草稿追踪到其出版版本时,不确定性中出现11点差距。我们采取多种方法,将性别在不确定性变化中的作用孤立开来,包括广泛的控制变量和固定效果,并培训国家语言计划模型,以模拟全面、平等反事实的观察。最后,我们探讨个别编辑在助长不确定性中的性别差距方面的作用;我们这样做的方式是建立一个作者对编辑的匹配网络,使我们能够提取编辑特有的固定效果,了解某个编辑对女性所撰写的文件与男性所撰写的论文(编辑的性别差距)的相对影响。我们发现编辑的性别结构模型存在相当大的差异,最后,我们发现在编辑的性别特征审查中,我们通过作者的准确性分析,我们发现其准确性定义中,我们通过作者的准确性分析其历史影响,我们的最后一个解释。