The goal of face attribute editing is altering a facial image according to given target attributes such as hair color, mustache, gender, etc. It belongs to the image-to-image domain transfer problem with a set of attributes considered as a distinctive domain. There have been some works in multi-domain transfer problem focusing on facial attribute editing employing Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). These methods have reported some successes but they also result in unintended changes in facial regions - meaning the generator alters regions unrelated to the specified attributes. To address this unintended altering problem, we propose a novel GAN model which is designed to edit only the parts of a face pertinent to the target attributes by the concept of Complementary Attention Feature (CAFE). CAFE identifies the facial regions to be transformed by considering both target attributes as well as complementary attributes, which we define as those attributes absent in the input facial image. In addition, we introduce a complementary feature matching to help in training the generator for utilizing the spatial information of attributes. Effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by analysis and comparison study with state-of-the-art methods.
翻译:面部属性编辑的目标正在根据发色、胡子、性别等特定目标属性改变面部图像图像。 它属于图像到图像域传输问题, 其属性被视为一个特殊域。 在多域传输问题上已经做了一些工作, 重点是面部属性编辑, 使用 General Adversarial 网络( GAN) 。 这些方法已经报告了一些成功, 但也导致面部区域出现意外变化 - 意指生成器改变与指定属性无关的区域。 为了解决这一意外变化的问题, 我们提议了一个新颖的GAN模型, 设计该模型仅用于根据补充关注特征概念编辑与目标属性相关的面部部分。 CAFE 确定了要通过同时考虑目标属性和互补属性来改变的面部区域, 我们将这些属性定义为输入面部图像中缺少的属性。 此外, 我们引入一个补充性匹配功能, 帮助培训生成器使用空间属性信息。 通过分析和比较研究, 显示拟议方法的有效性。