Dealing with the inconsistency between a foreground object and a background image is a challenging task in high-fidelity image composition. State-of-the-art methods strive to harmonize the composed image by adapting the style of foreground objects to be compatible with the background image, whereas the potential shadow of foreground objects within the composed image which is critical to the composition realism is largely neglected. In this paper, we propose an Adversarial Image Composition Net (AIC-Net) that achieves realistic image composition by considering potential shadows that the foreground object projects in the composed image. A novel branched generation mechanism is proposed, which disentangles the generation of shadows and the transfer of foreground styles for optimal accomplishment of the two tasks simultaneously. A differentiable spatial transformation module is designed which bridges the local harmonization and the global harmonization to achieve their joint optimization effectively. Extensive experiments on pedestrian and car composition tasks show that the proposed AIC-Net achieves superior composition performance qualitatively and quantitatively.
翻译:处理前景对象与背景图像之间的不一致是高美度图像构成中一项具有挑战性的任务。 最先进的方法努力通过调整前景对象的风格,使其与背景图像兼容,从而协调成形图像,而对于构成真实性至关重要的成形图像中前景对象的潜在阴影则大都被忽视。 在本文中,我们建议建立一个对立图像构成网( AIC-Net),通过考虑形成图像时前景对象项目的潜在阴影,实现真实的图像构成。 提出了一个新的分支生成机制,将阴影的生成与表面形态样式的转移混为一谈,以便同时最佳地完成这两项任务。 设计了一个不同的空间转换模块,将地方统一与全球统一联系起来,从而有效地实现联合优化。 关于行人和汽车构成任务的广泛实验显示,拟议的AIC- 网络在质量和数量上都实现了优异的构成性表现。