Telesurgical robotic systems provide a well established form of assistance in the operating theater, with evidence of growing uptake in recent years. Until now, the da Vinci surgical system (Intuitive Surgical Inc, Sunnyvale, California) has been the most widely adopted robot of this kind, with more than 6,700 systems in current clinical use worldwide. To accelerate research on robotic-assisted surgery, the retired first-generation da Vinci robots have been redeployed for research use as "da Vinci Research Kits" (dVRKs), which have been distributed to research institutions around the world to support both training and research in the sector. In the past ten years, a great amount of research on the dVRK has been carried out across a vast range of research topics. During this extensive and distributed process, common technical issues have been identified that are buried deep within the dVRK research and development architecture, and were found to be common among dVRK user feedback, regardless of the breadth and disparity of research directions identified. This paper gathers and analyzes the most significant of these, with a focus on the technical constraints of the first-generation dVRK, which both existing and prospective users should be aware of before embarking onto dVRK-related research. The hope is that this review will aid users in identifying and addressing common limitations of the systems promptly, thus helping to accelerate progress in the field.
翻译:为了加速对机器人辅助手术的研究,退休的第一代达芬奇机器人已被重新部署,用作“达芬奇研究包”(dVRKs)的研究用途,这些研究包已分发给世界各地的研究机构,以支持该部门的培训和研究。在过去的十年中,关于 dVRK 的大量研究已在广泛的研究课题中进行。在这一广泛和分散的进程中,已经查明了共同的技术问题,这些问题已深埋于dVRK的研发架构中,并且被发现是dVRK用户的反馈中常见的问题,无论研究方向的广度和差异如何。本文收集并分析了其中最重要的问题,重点是第一代DVRK的技术限制,在研究领域和预期用户之前,应迅速查明研究领域和预期用户的希望。