The 3rd BARN (Benchmark Autonomous Robot Navigation) Challenge took place at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) in Yokohama, Japan and continued to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art autonomous ground navigation systems in highly constrained environments. Similar to the trend in The 1st and 2nd BARN Challenge at ICRA 2022 and 2023 in Philadelphia (North America) and London (Europe), The 3rd BARN Challenge in Yokohama (Asia) became more regional, i.e., mostly Asian teams participated. The size of the competition has slightly shrunk (six simulation teams, four of which were invited to the physical competition). The competition results, compared to last two years, suggest that the field has adopted new machine learning approaches while at the same time slightly converged to a few common practices. However, the regional nature of the physical participants suggests a challenge to promote wider participation all over the world and provide more resources to travel to the venue. In this article, we discuss the challenge, the approaches used by the three winning teams, and lessons learned to direct future research and competitions.