The behavior of Bayesian model averaging (BMA) for the normal linear regression model in the presence of influential observations that contribute to model misfit is investigated. Remedies to attenuate the potential negative impacts of such observations on inference and prediction are proposed. The methodology is motivated by the view that well-behaved residuals and good predictive performance often go hand-in-hand. Focus is placed on regression models that use variants on Zellner's g prior. Studying the impact of various forms of model misfit on BMA predictions in simple situations points to prescriptive guidelines for "tuning" Zellner's g prior to obtain optimal predictions. The tuning of the prior distribution is obtained by considering theoretical properties that should be enjoyed by the optimal fits of the various models in the BMA ensemble. The methodology can be thought of as an "empirical Bayes" approach to modeling, as the data help to inform the specification of the prior in an attempt to attenuate the negative impact of influential cases.
翻译:Bayesian 模型的平均平均值(BMA) 通常线性回归模型(BMA) 在有影响且有影响且导致模型不完善的观测中的行为 正在调查减轻这类观测对推论和预测的潜在负面影响的补救措施 提出该方法的动机是,认为良好的残留物和良好的预测性能往往会亲手产生。重点放在使用Zellner先前版本变量的回归模型上。研究在简单情况下对BMA预测适用的各种模型形式的影响 指出“调整”Zellner g 之前获得最佳预测的规范性准则 。通过考虑BMA 共论中各种模型的最佳适用性应享有的理论性来调整先前的分布。该方法可被视为一种“精神海湾”模型模型模型的模型,作为数据帮助说明先前的规格,以试图减轻有影响的案件的消极影响。