Trading on decentralized exchanges has been one of the primary use cases for permissionless blockchains with daily trading volume exceeding billions of U.S.~dollars. In the status quo, users broadcast transactions and miners are responsible for composing a block of transactions and picking an execution ordering -- the order in which transactions execute in the exchange. Due to the lack of a regulatory framework, it is common to observe miners exploiting their privileged position by front-running transactions and obtaining risk-fee profits. In this work, we propose to modify the interaction between miners and users and initiate the study of {\em verifiable sequencing rules}. As in the status quo, miners can determine the content of a block; however, they commit to respecting a sequencing rule that constrains the execution ordering and is verifiable (there is a polynomial time algorithm that can verify if the execution ordering satisfies such constraints). Thus in the event a miner deviates from the sequencing rule, anyone can generate a proof of non-compliance. We ask if there are sequencing rules that limit price manipulation from miners in a two-token liquidity pool exchange. Our first result is an impossibility theorem: for any sequencing rule, there is an instance of user transactions where the miner can obtain non-zero risk-free profits. In light of this impossibility result, our main result is a verifiable sequencing rule that provides execution price guarantees for users. In particular, for any user transaction $A$, it ensures that either (1) the execution price of $A$ is at least as good as if $A$ was the only transaction in the block, or (2) the execution price of $A$ is worse than this ``standalone'' price and the miner does not gain (or lose) when including $A$ in the block.
翻译:分散交易交易是放权交易所交易的主要用途之一。 在目前情况下,用户广播交易和矿工负责实施一组交易并选择执行命令 -- -- 交易在交易所中执行的顺序。由于缺乏监管框架,人们通常会看到矿工利用其特权地位,进行前期交易并获得风险成本利润。在这项工作中,我们提议修改矿工和用户之间的互动,并开始研究可核实的排序规则。在现状中,矿工可以确定一个块的内容;然而,在现状中,用户广播交易和矿工负责实施一个限制执行命令和可核实的顺序规则(在交易满足了这种限制的情况下,有一种综合时间算法可以核实)。因此,在矿工偏离了顺序规则的情况下,任何人都可以产生不合规的证据。我们问,是否有限制矿工价格操纵的顺序规则,在2美元流动资金库交换中,开始研究。我们的第一个结果是,在现状中,矿工可以确定一个更差的顺序规则,A公司进行这种价格交易的顺序可以保证,在任何可核实的价格交易的顺序上,可以保证,在任何成本交易的顺序上,可以保证,在交易的顺序上,在进行中,可以做到,在任何可核实的顺序上进行。