This paper introduces a simple efficient learning algorithms for general sequential decision making. The algorithm combines Optimism for exploration with Maximum Likelihood Estimation for model estimation, which is thus named OMLE. We prove that OMLE learns the near-optimal policies of an enormously rich class of sequential decision making problems in a polynomial number of samples. This rich class includes not only a majority of known tractable model-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems (such as tabular MDPs, factored MDPs, low witness rank problems, tabular weakly-revealing/observable POMDPs and multi-step decodable POMDPs), but also many new challenging RL problems especially in the partially observable setting that were not previously known to be tractable. Notably, the new problems addressed by this paper include (1) observable POMDPs with continuous observation and function approximation, where we achieve the first sample complexity that is completely independent of the size of observation space; (2) well-conditioned low-rank sequential decision making problems (also known as Predictive State Representations (PSRs)), which include and generalize all known tractable POMDP examples under a more intrinsic representation; (3) general sequential decision making problems under SAIL condition, which unifies our existing understandings of model-based RL in both fully observable and partially observable settings. SAIL condition is identified by this paper, which can be viewed as a natural generalization of Bellman/witness rank to address partial observability.
翻译:本文为一般顺序决策引入了一种简单的高效学习算法。 算法将最佳探索主义与模型估计的最大相似性估计( 简称OMLE ) 结合起来。 我们证明, OMLE在多样本中学习了极富的顺序决策问题的近乎最佳的政策。 这个丰富类别不仅包括大多数已知的基于模型的强化学习( RL)问题( 如表格式 MDPs、 系数式 MDPs、 低证人级别问题、 列表式弱反应/ 可见性POMDPs 和多步式可变可变POMDPs ), 但也包括许多具有挑战性的RL( ) 问题, 特别是以前所不为人们所知的部分观察性环境。 值得注意的是, 本文处理的新问题包括:(1) 具有持续观察和功能近似性的POMDPs, 我们第一次获得完全独立于观测空间大小的样本复杂性; (2) 低级别顺序决策问题( 也称为预测性国家模型/ 可观察性POMDPs 和多步式可调的POMDP ) ), 其中部分地将我们所了解的常规性常态性常识性常识化的RIL 条件下的所有常识性 问题纳入性 。