The possibility of quantum computing has been proposed decades ago, at least as far back as the 1980s, and distributed quantum computing have been studied around two decades ago. Recent times have seen experimental successes and advances in quantum computer hardware and in quantum networking, leading towards the quantum Internet. We provide in this paper an overview of concepts and ideas in distributed quantum computing since over two decades ago as well recent efforts in the area, and consider how, with the development of the quantum Internet, distributed quantum computing is evolving into quantum Internet computing.
翻译:量子计算的可能性早在几十年前就已经提出过,至少早在1980年代就已经提出过,并且大约在20年前就已经研究过分布式量子计算了。 近来,在量子计算机硬件和量子网络的实验性成功和进步导致了量子互联网。 我们在本文件中概述了20多年前以来分布式量子计算的概念和想法,以及最近在这一领域的努力,并考虑随着量子互联网的发展,分布式量子计算是如何演变成量子互联网计算的。