The study of distributed interactive proofs was initiated by Kol, Oshman, and Saxena [PODC 2018] as a generalization of distributed decision mechanisms (proof-labeling schemes, etc.), and has received a lot of attention in recent years. In distributed interactive proofs, the nodes of an $n$-node network $G$ can exchange short messages (called certificates) with a powerful prover. The goal is to decide if the input (including $G$ itself) belongs to some language, with as few turns of interaction and as few bits exchanged between nodes and the prover as possible. There are several results showing that the size of certificates can be reduced drastically with a constant number of interactions compared to non-interactive distributed proofs. In this paper, we introduce the quantum counterpart of distributed interactive proofs: certificates can now be quantum bits, and the nodes of the network can perform quantum computation. The first result of this paper shows that by using quantum distributed interactive proofs, the number of interactions can be significantly reduced. More precisely, our result shows that for any constant~$k$, the class of languages that can be decided by a $k$-turn classical (i.e., non-quantum) distributed interactive protocol with $f(n)$-bit certificate size is contained in the class of languages that can be decided by a $5$-turn distributed quantum interactive protocol with $O(f(n))$-bit certificate size. We also show that if we allow to use shared randomness, the number of turns can be reduced to 3-turn. Since no similar turn-reduction \emph{classical} technique is currently known, our result gives evidence of the power of quantum computation in the setting of distributed interactive proofs as well.
翻译:Kol、 Oshman 和 Saxena [PoDC 2018] 的分布式互动证明研究由 Kol、 Oshman 和 Saxena 启动,作为分布式决策机制( 防贴标签计划等) 的概括化,近年来受到了很多关注。 在分布式互动证明中, $n- node 网络的节点 $G$ 可以用强大的验证器交换短信息( 所谓的证书 ) 。 目标是决定输入( 包括$G$ 本身) 是否属于某种语言, 互动的转折次数少得多, 并且节点和证明者之间的交换次数少得多。 有几个结果显示, 与非互动性分布式的交互性证明相比, 证书的大小可以大幅减少 。 我们的递增值值的递减 。