The LASSO is a recent technique for variable selection in the regression model \bean y & = & X\beta + z, \eean where $X\in \R^{n\times p}$ and $z$ is a centered gaussian i.i.d. noise vector $\mathcal N(0,\sigma^2I)$. The LASSO has been proved to achieve remarkable properties such as exact support recovery of sparse vectors when the columns are sufficently incoherent and low prediction error under even less stringent conditions. However, many matrices do not satisfy small coherence in practical applications and the LASSO estimator may thus suffer from what is known as the slow rate regime. The goal of the present paper is to study the LASSO from a slightly different perspective by proposing a mixture model for the design matrix which is able to capture in a natural way the potentially clustered nature of the columns in many practical situations. In this model, the columns of the design matrix are drawn from a Gaussian mixture model. Instead of requiring incoherence for the design matrix $X$, we only require incoherence of the much smaller matrix of the mixture's centers. Our main result states that $X\beta$ can be estimated with the same precision as for incoherent designs except for a correction term depending on the maximal variance in the mixture model.