We propose CRaWl (CNNs for Random Walks), a novel neural network architecture for graph learning. It is based on processing sequences of small subgraphs induced by random walks with standard 1D CNNs. Thus, CRaWl is fundamentally different from typical message passing graph neural network architectures. It is inspired by techniques counting small subgraphs, such as the graphlet kernel and motif counting, and combines them with random walk based techniques in a highly efficient and scalable neural architecture. We demonstrate empirically that CRaWl matches or outperforms state-of-the-art GNN architectures across a multitude of benchmark datasets for graph learning.
翻译:我们提出CRAWL(CNNs for Random Wakes),这是一个用于图解学习的新颖神经网络结构。 它基于由标准 1D CNN 随机行走引发的小子子集的处理序列。 因此, CRAWL 与典型的信息传递图形神经网络结构有根本的不同。 它受小子集计数技术的启发, 如笔式内核和motif计数, 并在高效和可缩放的神经结构中将其与随机行走技术结合起来。 我们从经验上证明, CRAWL 匹配或超越了用于图表学习的众多基准数据集。