In this paper a vulnerability in the Z-Wave protocol specification, especially in the S0 Z-Wave protocol is presented. Devices supporting this standard can be blocked (denial of service) through continuous S0 NonceGet requests. This way a whole network can be blocked if the attacked devices are Z-Wave network controller. This also effects S2 network controller as long as they support S0 NonceGet requests. As only a minimal amount of nonce requests (1 per ~2 seconds) is required to conduct the attack it cannot be prevented by standard countermeasures against jamming.
翻译:本文件介绍了Z-Wave协议规格中的脆弱性,特别是在S0-Z-Wave协议中。支持这一标准的装置可以通过连续的 S0 Nonceget 请求被阻塞(拒绝服务) 。 这样, 如果被攻击的装置是 Z-Wave 网络控制器, 整个网络就可以被阻塞 。 只要S2 网络控制器支持 S0 Nonceget 请求, 这也会影响它们。 进行攻击只需要少量的非请求( 每~2秒 1次), 无法通过打击干扰的标准反措施加以阻止 。