Fix a finite alphabet. A necklace is a circular word. For positive integers $n$ and~$k$, a necklace is $(n,k)$-perfect if all words of length $n$ occur $k$ times but at positions with different congruence modulo $k$, for any convention of the starting position. We define the notion of a Lyndon pair and we use it to construct the lexicographically greatest $(n,k)$-perfect necklace, for any $n$ and $k$ such that $n$ divides~$k$ or $k$ divides~$n$. Our construction generalizes Fredricksen and Maiorana's construction of the lexicographically greatest de Bruijn sequence of order $n$, based on the concatenation of the Lyndon words whose length divide $n$.
Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead.